
Sales Direct Support

Sales people are hired to sell – but they hate the “administrivia” that comes with selling. For most of them, administrative tasks average between 30-50% of their time. We offer skilled, sales-trained assistants who can pick up the work that clutters the calendar of your sales staff – leaving them more time for sales
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How many sales could your sales people close with 15-20 more hours in each week?

Whom does this benefit?

Sales teams who find that their sales results are limited by the time they must spend on critical but ancillary tasks, such as:

- Pre-sales planning (including customer research and powerpoint creation)
- Travel planning and expense reporting
- Sales call capture and reporting

How much money do you lose if you pay your salespeople to do their own admin?

How does it work?

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Our experienced personnel have an understanding of sales and often a technical background in line with your industry – but the costs are lower than you might expect to pay for a college intern. Our Professional Sales (PS) team members have:
1. Superb communications stills, both verbal and written.
2. Sales training (and personal sales experience, so they know how sales work is done)
3. When needed, specific topical expertise (such as engineering, manufacturing, software services, or the like). This helps ensure that they understand your customers' needs.
4. Graphical expertise (for presentation and proposal support work).
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Our local representative is your first line of defense. He or she is your sales project lead. They are themselves experienced sales people, and understand the pressures you are under. They take personal responsibility for ensuring that your work is done on time, and to a high standard. Their compensation is tied to your success.

Our PSS staff are located in the Republic of the Philippines, but your support team will be managed by our professionals here. You will have direct access to the entire team. Our Philippine staff gives you multiple advantages. (click here for more information about why this works ). Advantages include lower costs, with an easier ability to work overnight on rush projects.

In many cases, you might find it most efficient to assign a Bennion support person to every two of your salespeople – or even one-to-one if the need is great. In each case, we will provide close supervision and quality control from our offices in your country (and often inside your city). This means that you don’t have to worry about long distance relationships when you get in a crunch.

How do I start?

We normally start with a diagnostic to determine which tasks will save you the most time and directly translate into increased sales for your team. Our local project lead will work with you to identify which of your team’s recurring tasks we can most efficiently support. We will also assess which tasks must be done during your daylight hours, and which you would prefer to have done overnight.

The goal of this diagnostic analysis is to outline:

1. Which tasks you can effectively pass to us
2. What you may save if we do those tasks for you (both in terms of direct savings in pay, and time saved)
3. How much sales revenue additional sales time will bring you
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In most cases, we find the increase in quarterly revenue more than offsets the incremental increase in costs. Our team ends up increasing your sales, not your costs.

Your customers, in fact, may pay you to hire us.

Let’s see how the math works for you.

Contact us today to learn more about Bennion Group